How to make almond butter with a twist?
I love eating peanut butter: on my rice cakes, toasts, in my chocolate smoothie, in a pie crust or my bowl of oats. This means buying peanut butter on a frequent basis, that’s why I though it was fun to produce my own nut butter. This time it’s an almond butter with a twist.
To make it extra special, I added a bit of cinnamon. This makes it even better to combine this almond butter with your smoothie or on your toast (with slices of banana for example).
Note: it’s pretty important to have a food processor when you’re going to make this recipe. Without this kitchen appliance you can’t liquefy the almonds. I’m very curious what you guys think of the taste of the almond butter, please let me know your thoughts.
What do you need?
- 300 grams of blanched & unsalted almonds
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder
How do you make your own almond butter with a twist?
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Put a sheet of parchment paper on a baking tray and spread the almonds on it, roast them for 20 minutes. The almonds will be slightly brown when taking out of the oven.
Add the almonds to your food processor with the coconut oil and pulse. In this process you’ll need some patience. Push the almonds back every so often, after about 20-30 minutes the almonds will liquefy and oil will be released in the process. Add salt and cinnamon powder and pulse short to mix everything together. Store the almond butter in a preserving jar.
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